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Do Dogs Really Think of Us as Their Mothers? The Bond Explained

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Many pet owners use affectionate language when referring to their dogs, often calling them their “sons” and “daughters,” suggesting an intimate connection comparable to that of a mother and her offspring. The nature of the bond between a dog and a human can be diverse and is heavily influenced by their shared experiences. Some puppies are raised by humans from a very young age, while others become part of a family as adults or seniors. Some dogs even go through several homes in their lifetime, having multiple caregivers. All these scenarios raise the question of whether dogs genuinely consider us as their mothers or fathers. This article aims to shed light on whether your dog sees you as its mother – keep reading to find out!

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Table of Contents:

Do Dogs Really Think of Us as Their Mothers The Bond Explained

Do Dogs Recognize Their Mothers?

Anyone who has lived with a dog knows that they have memory, as they remember where they’ve hidden their toys, learn routines, recognize places they’ve visited, and delight in seeing other dogs or people with whom they share a strong bond. However, how far does their capacity to retain information go? Can they recognize their own family members?

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This question has intrigued researchers since the 1990s when a study was conducted to investigate how well dogs remember their siblings, mothers, and offspring. The dogs in the study were separated from their mothers and littermates between eight to twelve weeks old and were placed in different human families. After two years, each dog was reunited with their relatives for behavioral observations. The study concluded that dogs do not exhibit clear signs that allow us to assert they recognize their siblings after being separated for an extended period. However, they are perfectly capable of recognizing their mothers, and mothers recognize their puppies.

The mutual recognition among dogs is made possible by their exceptional sense of smell. During the first few weeks of life, a mother dog develops a strong bond with her puppies, and they unconsciously memorize each one’s distinct scent, influenced by the important role of canine pheromones produced by the mother. As we know, odors are closely linked to memory and emotions, and it is through this sense that dogs can recognize other individuals.

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Can a Dog Consider a Person as Their Mother?

Although dogs can recognize their mothers through their sense of smell, this does not necessarily mean they understand the concept of a “mother” or consider someone from a different species as such. Human beings’ substantial cognitive development and our ability to use language enable us to attribute an objective meaning and subjective evaluation to each word. Therefore, we understand what it means to be someone’s child. On the other hand, dogs recognize their parents simply because it provides an adaptive advantage: knowing who their mother is can be a lifeline in times of danger, ensure a source of food, prevent inbreeding, and avoid conflicts within the family group.

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While many pet owners “humanize” their dogs and treat them like children, dogs are fully aware that we belong to different species, and for this reason, their behavior differs when interacting with a person versus another dog. Centuries of cohabitation with humans have allowed dogs to learn the meaning of our gestures and words to communicate with us in ways they would never use with other animals. In this sense, dogs can develop a very close and lasting bond with their human caregivers, and they can certainly recognize them among other people. However, there is no evidence to suggest that they view a person as their mother or father.

How to Tell if Your Dog Cares About You

As we’ve explained, it’s nearly impossible to assert that your dog sees you as its mother, literally. However, this does not mean that your dog cannot feel attachment and affection towards you – quite the opposite! What’s essential is not whether your dog regards you as its mother, as we’ve established that’s not feasible, but whether your dog loves you and whether the relationship between you is positive.

A healthy bond between a dog and their caregiver is the key to building a strong connection and harmonious coexistence. Here are some tips to foster this relationship:

  1. Avoid humanizing your dog – understand their unique socialization, exercise, and stimulation needs, which can vary by breed. Ensure you meet these needs appropriately.
  2. Learn about canine body language to understand what your dog wants or feels at any given moment.
  3. Spend quality time with your furry companion and engage in activities they enjoy, whether outdoors or indoors.
  4. Take care of your dog’s health, including providing quality nutrition, an appropriate environment, and regular veterinary care.
  5. Use positive reinforcement in training, and be consistent, patient, and empathetic.

Your dog may not see you as its mother, but by following these tips, you can become a significant reference and the best support for your beloved canine friend.
