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How to Set Up Your Home for Two or More Cats

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Are you looking for tips on how to set up your home for two or more cats? As a long-time cat owner with a history of having up to 9 feline friends, I can provide some insights. Let’s dive into everything, from litter boxes to food and personal space.

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Table of Contents:

How to Set Up Your Home for Two or More Cats

Health Check Before Integration

Before integrating multiple cats into your home, it’s essential to ensure their well-being. If you’re adopting from a shelter, they often handle vaccinations and initial care. However, if you’re adopting from an individual or rescuing a stray, schedule a vet appointment on the day of adoption. Prevention is key, even if your indoor cats are vaccinated.

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Proper Introductions

Creating a harmonious cat household is crucial. Now, let’s focus on the practical steps to set up your home for multiple cats.

Setting Up Multiple Litter Boxes

The number of litter boxes you need is a common concern. The general guideline is to have one for each cat, plus an extra box. So, if you have two cats, you should ideally have three litter boxes. However, don’t worry too much about this rule. In my years of cat ownership, I never had more than three litter boxes at a time. Still, be diligent in keeping them clean.

Signs that you might need an extra box include cats avoiding the litter box, one cat bullying another during bathroom time, or signs of health issues in one or more cats.

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Where to Place Multiple Litter Boxes

While experts advise placing litter boxes in different rooms, space constraints may make this challenging. In my experience, having two or three litter boxes side by side in the laundry room worked just fine. If you have ample space, spreading them throughout your home is an option.

Separate Food Bowls

Although you can share a water source, each cat should have its own food bowl. Even if kittens occasionally nibble from each other’s bowls, it’s acceptable as long as both are on the same diet. However, if they require different diets, ensure they have their own designated feeding spots.

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Individual Space for Each Cat

Apart from eating and using the litter box, cats need their personal space. You don’t need elaborate cat trees and condos. Simple measures, like placing boxes in different locations, can provide them with cozy spots. I even crafted fun rubber condos for my cats!

Considerations for Multiple Cats in Apartments

Setting up your apartment for two or more cats is similar to preparing a larger home. Let’s address a couple of common questions.

Can You Have Two Cats in a Small Apartment? Yes, you can! Look into space-saving litter boxes, especially if you need more than one. I recommend high-quality litter boxes for odor control.

Is Three Cats Too Many for an Apartment? It depends on the apartment size, your cats, and personal preferences. In a tiny studio, three cats might be challenging to manage without constant cleaning. However, in a larger apartment with multiple rooms, having three cats isn’t much different from a smaller home.

Multiple Cats in Apartments


Now you have the know-how to set up your home for two or more cats. It’s not too complicated, especially if your cats get along. But remember, if you encounter issues, making adjustments to meet your feline family’s needs is straightforward.
