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Best Dogs for Allergy Sufferers

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Adding a furry friend to your family can be a fantastic experience, but for some, allergies can stand in the way of this joy. Allergic reactions to dogs can range from occasional throat tickles to severe breathing difficulties. However, if you are allergic to dogs, don’t despair! There are certain dog breeds that may work well for you, with only occasional sneezing as a downside.

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Allergy Symptoms in Dogs

Typically, allergic reactions to dogs are mild, and their symptoms can be easily managed. However, some individuals may experience disabling allergies, leading them to take every possible measure to avoid dogs and prevent allergic reactions. Common symptoms of dog allergies include:

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  • Sneezing/stuffy nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Watery, itchy, or red eyes
  • Coughing, chest tightness, or shortness of breath
  • Skin rash

One of the main culprits of dog allergies is pet dander. Dander consists of tiny flakes of skin that attach to a dog’s fur and are spread as the dog sheds. This is where hypoallergenic dog breeds come into play. The term “hypoallergenic dog” refers to breeds that shed less fur and are believed to be more compatible with allergy sufferers than other breeds.

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

When searching for the perfect furry companion while dealing with allergies, it’s worth considering these breeds, as they have been proven to shed less fur, which can help alleviate your allergic reactions.

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Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise

The Bichon Frise is an incredibly cute, small dog with a fluffy coat, full of energy, and a love for activity. Their continuously growing hair requires regular care to prevent matting. While they don’t shed much fur, dead hair and dander can be managed with regular grooming and cleaning.

Portuguese Water Dog

Portuguese Water Dog

The athletic, intelligent, and hardworking Portuguese Water Dog requires daily vigorous exercise and thrives in an active family environment. This breed falls on the larger side, so it does shed a bit. However, their waterproof, curly, single-layer coat can significantly reduce allergy symptoms with proper grooming.

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Kerry Blue Terrier

Kerry Blue Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier boasts an extremely soft, single-layer coat that feels gentle to the touch. This breed is quirky, fun-loving, and enjoys exercise. Their slightly wavy hair grows year-round and only sheds once every three weeks. The curls retain most of the allergen-causing fur, which can be removed during regular grooming sessions.



Poodles come in various sizes and are renowned for their intelligence and hypoallergenic qualities. They don’t shed much and are often considered an excellent choice for allergy sufferers. Regular grooming will help maintain their high-quality coat and keep your furry friend looking and smelling their best.

Bedlington Terrier

Bedlington Terrier

These lamb-like dogs have a woolly and curly coat that doesn’t shed much, making them perfect for those seeking relief from allergies within three feet of a dog. They have a gentle, calm nature and are highly playful, but they require daily brushing and occasional professional grooming to prevent matting.


These are just a few examples of dog breeds that work well for allergy sufferers. It’s essential to note that allergies can also be managed through proper house cleaning, regular dog care, and bathing. Routine carpet cleaning around the house will reduce dander, while regular grooming for your dog ensures that excess dander is collected and removed at the source before it can spread. If you’re considering bringing a dog into your allergy-prone household, these hypoallergenic breeds can make that dream a reality. With the right care and attention, you can enjoy the companionship of a furry friend without constantly battling allergies.