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How to Stop Your Dog from Jumping on People

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Is your dog constantly jumping on people, and you’re not sure how to put an end to this behavior? Many dogs, out of excitement, tend to leap onto individuals. While this behavior might seem amusing, it’s essential to curb it, as it can be troublesome if the person doesn’t like dogs or if the dog jumps on a child or an elderly individual. In this article, we’ll explain how to make your dog stop jumping on people. But remember, it takes patience and adhering to the right strategies if you genuinely want to put an end to it. Let’s dive in.

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Table of Contents:

  1. Why Do Dogs Jump on People?
  2. How to Make Your Dog Stop Jumping on People
  3. The Importance of Ensuring Your Dog’s Well-being
  4. Avoid Scolding – Opt for Positive Reinforcement
  5. Practicing Obedience to Curb Jumping Behavior
  6. When to Seek Professional Help
Avoid Scolding - Opt for Positive Reinforcement

Why Do Dogs Jump on People?

To comprehend why dogs engage in jumping on people, we can liken their brains to that of very young children who need guidance. They must learn how to relieve themselves outside, socialize with different people and animals, and grasp the family’s behavioral norms. If we don’t start their education from puppyhood, problems like the one we’re addressing in this article may arise, and you’ll be left wondering how to stop your dog from jumping on people. But why does this behavior occur?

Typically, this behavior is observed in dogs who have adopted it from a young age. Allowing them to jump on us communicates that this conduct is acceptable. Consequently, as they grow, they continue to do so as part of their routine. Moreover, dogs that have experienced stressful life changes may also begin to exhibit this behavior, acting hyperexcited and jumping on people, sofas, or objects. A third group that might adopt this behavior includes dogs that have been adopted, and we have no knowledge of their past life.

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How to Make Your Dog Stop Jumping on People

The most effective way to prevent your dog from jumping on people is to train them while they are still puppies. However, if you couldn’t do that, you’ll need some patience and the right guidance. It is possible to achieve this goal! Before tackling this behavioral issue, it’s crucial to ensure that your furry companion fulfills the 5 freedoms of animal welfare. Why? Because attempting to work with a stressed, nervous, or clearly uncomfortable dog may hinder proper learning or prolong the training process.

If your dog has a severe behavior problem, is stressed, or is suffering from any illness, even of a mental nature, you should address that situation first. Focus on working with a dog who is physically and mentally healthy. Every behavior a dog displays serves a specific purpose. In this case, when your dog jumps on people, they are seeking attention, affection, or reinforcement. To make your dog stop jumping on people, it’s essential to completely avoid giving them any form of “reward,” whatever it may be.

Hence, the initial advice is to completely ignore your dog when they attempt to jump on people. How to do this? The best approach is to turn away and move away, allowing them to disengage from your legs or torso. Furthermore, you should refrain from petting or speaking to them. By ignoring your pet, you aim to extinguish the behavior. However, be prepared for the possibility that your dog, when ignored, might attempt to jump on people more persistently. It’s crucial to remain resolute and continue ignoring them.

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Additionally, you should reinforce a calm, positive, and tranquil attitude. To achieve this, it’s essential for the entire family to get involved and cooperate in this new learning process:

  • Praise your dog when they remain calm, for instance, with a “good job.”
  • Also, reinforce the behavior when they don’t jump on you when you come home.
  • Ask people on the street to turn away if your dog tries to jump on them.
  • Avoid overstimulating them, both outside and at home, as excessive excitement leads to loss of control and, consequently, jumping on people.

What Happens if You Scold Your Dog for Jumping on People? If you scold your dog for jumping on people instead of ignoring them, you’re still giving them some form of attention, even if it’s negative. This might somewhat fulfill their goal of grabbing your attention. Therefore, it’s crucial that the entire family understands not to reprimand the dog but to educate them through positive reinforcement, focusing on their correct behaviors.

Practicing Obedience to Curb Jumping Behavior To stop your dog from jumping on people, you’ll need to work on basic obedience using positive reinforcement. Obedience not only gives you better control in specific situations but also strengthens your bond with your dog, helps them understand you better, and stimulates their mind. To prevent your dog from jumping on people:

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  1. Teach your dog to sit.
  2. Once they are proficient at sitting, teach them to stay.

With these two basic commands, you can ensure that your dog not only refrains from jumping on people but also sits and patiently waits for affection or treats. Consistency is key when working on obedience, so consider learning more about dog training sessions and dedicate 5 to 10 minutes daily to work with your dog. This will yield a more precise response and a happier, stimulated dog.

Don’t forget to reward your dog whenever they sit instead of jumping, whether it’s with a treat, a “good job,” or a pet. This reinforcement is crucial to make sure they feel positively reinforced and don’t return to jumping on people. If your situation is particularly severe, you’re unsure about following the guidelines, or your dog exhibits other issues like aggression, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. You can reach out to a dog trainer, a canine behaviorist, or an ethologist, all of whom should be capable of assisting with your issues. However, remember to check their methodology, customer reviews, and areas of expertise beforehand. Some professionals focus on obedience training, while others prefer behavior modification.

The Importance of Ensuring Your Dog’s Well-being:

Before addressing your dog’s jumping behavior, it’s vital to ensure that your canine companion’s overall well-being is taken care of. If your dog is stressed, anxious, or unwell, it may hinder the effectiveness of your training efforts. Thus, take the time to evaluate your dog’s physical and mental health and address any concerns before moving forward with behavior modification.

Avoid Scolding – Opt for Positive Reinforcement:

The Importance of Ensuring Your Dog's Well-being:

When working to correct your dog’s jumping behavior, it’s important to note that scolding or reprimanding your dog may not yield the desired results. Dogs often interpret any form of attention, even negative, as a reward. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement by rewarding your dog for exhibiting the desired behavior, such as sitting calmly.

Practicing Obedience to Curb Jumping Behavior:

Teaching your dog basic obedience commands, like “sit” and “stay,” can be highly effective in curbing jumping behavior. Consistency is key, so invest time in daily training sessions to reinforce these commands. Reward your dog when they sit instead of jumping to encourage the desired behavior.

When to Seek Professional Help:

If your dog’s jumping behavior is severe, you’re unsure about the training process, or if other behavioral issues are present, consider consulting a professional. Dog trainers
